I wanna see Miracles

“I want to see miracles //see the world change // Wrestle the angel // for more than a name” “For more than a feeling // For more than a causeI’m singing Spirit take me up in arms with You.” “Twenty four voices // With twenty four heartsWith all of my symphonies // In twenty four…

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I feel….. thoughtful. There’s so many things going on in my life and a lot to think about. It’s a good kind of thoughtful.

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Kelli Roline – Class of 2010

I am sooo behind on everything, including blogging. I took these images of Kelli a couple weeks ago, but life’s been crazy. Lots of stuff going on at the newspaper, on top of all the photography happening at this time of year. Anyway, Kelli and I had a great time roaming around her parent’s property,…

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A Cute Family!

All of them :-) Corey, Alina, Afton and Bennet Tyler, Carol and “Baby Joel” And this one is just *too* cute! Jaimie and Amy The four “kids” {big kids} I’m a huge fan of this picture. It’s just sooo, cute! I could have taken pictures of these three for a loooong time…. so much fun.…

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More of the Pixlers Love

A few of my favorites from their wedding =) I’m so glad I was able to be part of this beautiful celebration. God Bless you guys! To see the rest of the images head over to their gallery Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pixler

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