{Sarah | Cuyuna Lakes Senior Session}
So. Sarah’s not technically part of the Class of 2020. But when your sister is the photographer, you don’t schedule your session until the very last minute, so we shot her Cuyuna lakes senior session this past summer instead She was supposed to be… but she had all her credits done so she decided to graduate early so that she could go on to play softball at Central Lakes College. Unfortunately, their season got cancelled after one week of playing.
So that being said, I thought I would include her in the Class of 2020 showcase!
Sarah… I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become. And I’m so thankful you’re one of my very best friends! I know you’re gonna rock the rest of your semester full of science classes, even though they’re online… and I can’t wait to see move into the dental hygiene program! I love you!
To see previous posts in the Class of 2020 showcase click here!
P.S. Sorry Rose… I just had to end with that adorable image ;)

Cuyuna Lakes Senior – Class of 2020 (2019! haha)