Pouring Rain

“Amazing grace, how sweet the sound // Amazing love, now pouring down // From hands and feet that were nailed to the tree // His grace flows down and covers me. “
Grace = unmerited divine assistance
We fall. We mess up. We make mistakes.
But even though we do, His grace pours over us. Over it all. And not only does it pour on us, it covers us. 
It’s like a flood, like a downpour, like a cozy blanket, all unmerited, undeserved. But yet He still pours it out. It’s one of the most amazing things I’ve experienced in my walk with God, His unconditional grace. It’s almost beyond my understanding, it’s more something I just have to accept. 
So I stand under the downpour, let the water run over my tears, curling up in the blanket, because His grace covers me. 
It covers my shame. It  covers my guilt, my sin, my mistakes. It fills me up, it washes me clean, heals my wounds. The awesome grace of Jesus does this for me. 
“The people asked…. and He opened the rock and water gushed out; it ran into all the dry places.” ~Psalm 105:40-41
Ask for His grace, let Him pour it out, let it gush into all the dry places. Let it cover you. Let it cover your shame, your guilt your sin. Let it fill you, wash you, heal you.