David and Leah

Oh my word. What a fabulous couple, gorgeous day, and super wedding party! I loved everything about it, and we had such fun with the pictures. The groomsmen had the best ideas ;) and the girls were just super lovely and this is *only* supposed to be a preview… [since I’m not even half through editing] but I had too hard a time choosing. Oh well, you get to enjoy more of them!

Leah and David are so cute together that my job was way too easy. way too easy. It didn’t take much to get special looks. I’m so glad that I got to participate in their lovely day. I enjoyed it so much!

 {First look – thanks Trinks for “arranging a moment” ;) }

 {David’s really cool family is Russian… hence the “Russian smiles” }
 {This one is just precious}

 {mmmm, gotta be one of my favs}

 {awwwww :D }

{eeek! When I saw this picture I did a little happy dance…}

 {these guys were a riot, good posers too ;) }
 {these girls were so gorgeous, and I was a huge fan of the flowers; David’s sister did a gorgeous job!}

 {I told you they were fun}
 {another favorite}