All figured out

“Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming…” ~ Dori from “Finding Nemo” “Life’s not a race to see who get’s there first, just keep going.” ~Dad “You have 60 more years of your life! You don’t have to have it all figured out by the time you’re 18.” ~ My sister Amy Life is a journey and…

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Be Still

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” [verse 1] “Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountainst be carried into the midst of the sea.” [verse 2]  “though  it’s waters roar and be trouble, though the mountains shake with it’s swelling.” [verse 3] “Come,…

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Let it Go

“I’ve been holding on so tight // Look at these knuckles they’ve gone white // I’m fighting for who I wanna be // Just trying to find security.// “But You said let it go // You said let it go // You said life is waiting for the ones who lose control // You said…

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